Monday, July 6, 2009

RSVP messages

So far, we've received RSVPs from almost half of the households we sent them out to! Pretty exciting stuff! But if you haven't sent yours back yet, you have...GASP! A little more than a week? Did that RSVP window fly by that fast?

Anyway, Cyrus and I have been enjoying the message people write on the RSVP postcards!

Here are some of my favorites!

Let's take a closer look. We have a cow man...

A message written like a 14-year-old Korean girl writing in someone's yearbook... :) (love you, Stella!)

And more drawings!

Keep 'em coming!


tina said...

aww!!! Rob's drawing made it onto the blog, hurrahhhhh!!!

hehe. this reminds me of xanga back in the day, ina. commenting on each other's blogs. so weird!


Ina said...

I was having dinner with Cyrus the night your RSVP came, and I had to bring it with me to show him! :D