Saturday, July 25, 2009

The list - updated

In a previous post, I made a list of the things that I want to do before leaving the DC area for a while. Turns out that this past week has been far more productive than I thought!

- watch "500 Days of Summer"
- eat at 2 Amys once more (Cyrus saw the list and we met in Cleveland Park to eat some delicious D.O.C. margherita pizza!)
- watch a movie at the Strathmore outdoor film festival
- ride the Metro (Cyrus invited me out to watch his firm's softball game on the Ellipse, and I took the hour and a half trek out there!)
- eat Maryland blue crabs
- eat hand-pounded jja jang myun at Da Rae Won
- eat peppered short ribs at Bob's Noodle House
- get a Georgetown Cupcake (Jin and I have talked about doing this for over a year, and we finally did it! It was worth the hour & fifteen minute drive back!)

What's next?? :D

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