Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Suits or tuxes?

Daniel Henney wants to know...


"Are you having our groomsmen wear suits or tuxes at your wedding?"

Another good question: Is this entry just an excuse to post this picture? Maybe. Hahaha...

But we are having a difficult time figuring this one out. If our groomsmen wear suits, then they won't have to spend money on a tux rental. It would make things feel a bit more casual. With tuxes, they might look more uniform and make the event feel a bit more formal.

I guess it just depends on what we're going for, and how much we want to honor our parents with the small decisions we make for our wedding...

1 comment:

Christina Kim said...

I will do anything Daniel Henney tells me to do!

Unless all the groomsmen have somewhat identical suits, they would look a bit odd. Renting tuxes would be cheaper than buying suits, but I like the more casual LOOK of suits.

WWDHD? What would Daniel Henney do?